Friday, May 11, 2007

Silence (2006)

here we go, now i plan to share some of my experience watching some taiwanese drama and chinese drama with you all. for this thread, i will share with you this bitter-sweet love story in Silence.

Main Cast:

Vic Zhou
Park Eun-hye
Andy Hui
Megan Lai Ya Yan
Jin Yu Lan
William So

Year Aired: 2006
Genre : Drama, Romance
Episodes: 20


Qi Wei Yi was the main inheritor of the wealthy Qi Family, really arrogant and full of himself. during his trip in his childhood to a countryside in which he usually won his swimming competition, some kids who didnt like him broke his leg and resulted in him transferred to a hospital there when he met with the mute Zhao Shen Shen. they developed a friendship relationship that ended in their mutual feeling towards each other in one week when Qi Wei Yi had to return home. before he went away, they made a promise to meet in their secret place on that countryside on Christmas 2006 which 13 years later from that day.

13 years later, they havent forgot each other and kept the promise they made in their heart, although because of several circumstances, they never contacted each other in 13 years. when finally they meet again, coincidentally, without recognizing each other. destiny seemed to play a role in their reunion. Qi Wei Yi Finally found out the truth about the mature beautiful lively woman standing in front of him, when Zhao Shen Shen learned about the fact later.

(spoiler warning!!):

but, destiny seems to be cruel as Qi Wei Yi found out about a fatal liver cancer he had never realized or expected to happen to him. he only had 3 months to live his life to the fullest. he tried to avoid Zhao Shen Shen and even did something really harsh to her in order to make her stay away from him. Qi Wei Yi didnt want anybody he loved to cry beside him when he died,"let this suffering be mine alone." but again, fate brought them together that force them to confessed their true feeling to each other.

Qi Wei Yi: "Why do you have to come? why do you have to come to humiliate yourself? why do you have to come to make yourselves hurt?

Zhao Shen Shen in tears: "... (because... because.. I love you...)" this is the first words in her entire life after the accident which made her mute. Qi Wei Yi can only read her lips' movement and a really small voice of her feeling.

their hug and blissful kiss that night is the stating point of their bitter-sweet fight over destiny, to live to the fullest and to love each other for every seconds ticking towards the end of 3 months Qi Wei Yi had.


Vic Zhou as Qi Wei Yi:

he played his role nicely and again showed us his superb performance as a star. arrogant but kind in heart. i dont have much to talk about him. what i know is both of him and Park Eun Hye have developed such a chemistry that i really wish the film not to end. ah.... it is so sweet... bitterly... i really hope that they can perform again together as the chemistry they had in this film made me want to wish them happiness together (although it is impossible, and i know some of you know why ^^)

Park Eun Hye as Zhao Shen Shen:

in the story she is a mixed Korean and Chinese. i dont particularly love Korean actress and their acting, but she is an exception when i see her. in the film she doesnt talk at all and she communicate using the sign language. but she performs her role as Zhao Shen Shen magnificently and i cant think of anybody that will be able to do it as perfect as her. she is a type a girl that i will define as a natural beauty with an undeniable sweetness and 'deadly' cuteness (it is a one hit dead if she does sth really cute! believe me!). you wont be bored by her beauty, because it is natural XD

Andy Hui as Zuo Jun:

what need to be said for him? a superb actor and singer from Hong Kong :D Zuo Jun is the brother (not blood-related) of Zhao Shen Shen because of the accident he caused and resulted in Shen Shen's muteness, his father told her to take care of Shen Shen for his entire life. gradually he fell in love with her and most of the time in the film he forced his love for Shen Shen although Shen Shen only thought of him purely as an elder brother she really loves. he plays the role of antagonist perfectly so that if it was possible to enter the film, i wanna punch him. but at the end he has matured and let Zhao Shen Shen grab the little time of happiness to love with Qi Wei Yi and become the second happiest person in the world as the first happiest person in the world is him because he has given his love to Shen Shen for the entire 13 years.

Megan Lai as Mi Xiao Guang:
the used to be fiancee of Qi Wei Yi and she also starred with Vic Zhou in MARS (as his ex-lover too. lol). for me, although Megan is not that lovely (my personal opinion), but she has a charisma on every of her performance. a really good actress for me. her performance here as a dumped lover is perfect, and when she gradually realize the true way of loving, i really admire her.

and during the last few episode there will be one character that will be really funny and entertaining. watch it for yourself XD

here are some pics:

what i can say about the ost is... what? it is nice of course, a compilation of songs by Vic, Andy, and Megan. three of them are famous for their singing ability and album release. and there is also a western song "Try to Remember" which suits the film perfectly as the theme of the film is about remembering the promise of Wei Yi and Shen Shen to meet at Christmas 2006.

well. it's fine and ok. the only environment that i like in this film is its grassland, beside that, it is ok. nothing special about an apartment, luxurious house, and a huge corporation rite? there is nothing special, but i think it is normal because it only follows the plot of the film which basically take a place in a house, a corporation, and what else? road in taiwan? lol.

well well, so i will give this film a rate of 4.8/5.

if you want to download and watch this film, go to the website which i give credit for above. this film will be worthed to watch.

edit: i forgot to give a credit to [url][/url] for the pictures i have used ^^ arigatou gosaimasu!

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